What exactly is BeEF?, As mentioned above, BeEF stands for Browser Exploitation Framework, and it a penetration testing tool set (http://beefproject.com/), designed to test the exploitability of your web browser environment and trust me when i say it does a great job of that!
I wont discuss BeEF's full attack capabilities here (you can check it out for yourself ) but its a very powerful tool to say the least. Instead of taking advantage of XSS vulnerabilities in your application as a pen testing attack vector, you can leverage a WAF like mod-security to not only identify malicious clients of your application, but you can subsequently modify the HTTP response header sent back to malicious client requests and directly hook them utilizing the BeEF javascript hook code.. This will allow you to keep close tabs on the attackers of your website, and allow you to monitor their every move and activities. This is a much more effective tactic than trying to respond to incidents when all you have is an IP address (which I'm sure is not the real IP address due to the fact that the attacker is tunneling their traffic through proxies or other intermediary systems). BeEF contains some powerful data harvesting capabilities and can harvest critical details from the attackers web browser such as the "True Geographic location" of the attacker, some of the location enumeration modules (under the host folder) can be used to get physical location including GPS coordinates and street address details. You can even open up a dialog prompt and communicate with the hooked browser and ask questions about why your sight is being pwned.. Pretty cool....
MH - "Madame Hack"